How to register

To interact with other users, comment on articles, or publish your own materials, you need to register with the Urban Center website and become part of the UC Forum.

Registering is simple – all you have to do is:

  1. Follow the registration link (also available on the front page of the site).
  2. Complete the fields containing your chosen username (choose carefully as you cannot change it once it has been entered into the system), your given name, family name, and a valid email address.
  3. Enter the ‘captcha’ text correctly to prove you’re not a robot.
  4. Go back to the home page or the UC Forum page, click ‘Login‘ in the ‘Web Tools’ box.
  5. Fill in the form with your user name and password sent to you by email when you registered. Enter by clicking on the red button ‘Login’ button.
  6. When logged in as a registered user you will be automatically directed to your personal profile, from which you will have access to the basic functions provided by the role of Subscriber. On first access you may want to edit your profile, filling in information you want to share with us, as well as updating your password to something more memorable to you.

Happy surfing, and welcome to the UC Forum.